Monday 27 June 2016

Douglas Park Sports Exchange

DPSE or Douglas Park Sports Exchange is when Douglas Park School comes here or we go see them in Masterton. We won the Tararua challenge flag last year but this year we lost it. There are thirteen games in five sports. They won the most games.  Next year we will be going over to Masterton to see them. I was in the only winning hockey team which was Team B. 

Feedback I like how you put a photo on your blog 
Feedforward: I think you should add more witting I the description  
Angus m >:()
Evaluation: The game was on turf and I expected us to win because training on grass is better than on turf as it is harder. We only had one practice so we weren't ready and most people had to go in a new sport. Next year people should be in the sports they are good at. If we do that we should get the trophy. I think the post is pretty good now. Thanks for the feedback Angus.  

1 comment:

  1. A great evaluation Toby but where is your video reflection of this?
