Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Math sample term 2

this is my Math sample hope you enjoy

What do you enjoy in maths and why? 

I am very good at maths but sometimes i get one wrong because

I have'nt read them right

What challenges you the most and why? 

Divison because i don't

Practice it because its not in the mathex i do at home

What do you need to get better at in maths and why? 

Divison because i don't Practice it because its not in the mathex 

i do at home

How can adults help you with this goal? 

My dad can try and find one with division. 


  1. we toad haer your voile toby

    from Azahra and Angus :) or:(

  2. we toad haer your voile toby

    from Azahra and Angus :) or:(
