Thursday, 10 December 2015
Minecraft school
Sunday, 6 December 2015
Earthquake arcade
Maths strategy
Game writing
Start: introduction to characters
Problem: jamesrea2 driving dirty
Problem end: jamesrea2 rolling the zonda for the 300th time
Hi my name is jamesrea1 and right at the moment I'm racing my twin brother jamesrea2 who's in a pagani zonda R while I'm in the slowest car in gran turismo 5. Oof why did he crash into me with that manic zonda!!? Ok he rolled over I'm safe for 3 seconds if he goes at my speed! But he's at 200 kilometres an hour! Zooooommmm , crash. good he won't catch me because the next corner is downhill on 15 degree slope and really sharp! Smack! Oof he drifted into me zoooom , Now he's on the power strait no offence jamesrea2 but you are terrible at driving. Next thing that i know is I am on the power straight and then I see jamesrea2 who has rolled the zonda up ahead. As soon as I get past the zonda it restarts and then it goes behind me and pulls into the pits . I slowly creep past the pits at 15km an hour. As soon as I pass the pit’s exit the zonda pulls out of the exit of the pits suddenly the zonda spins out of control and into a burnout sending my teeny car flying ahead. I manage to zoom past the corner but lose all the speed that the zonda gave me on the second corner.
Unluckily I'm onto the power straight, well the first one. The zonda manages to just get past me before drifting into the wall. I get up the hill and start coming down the hill and turn the corner. SSSLLLLLAAAAAMMMMMM I'm sent flying again and it takes the toll on the car and the chasis break.
Monday, 23 November 2015
Athletics writing
Voiceover: mace
Jumper1: mace
Jumper 2: Toby
Lines: voiceover: hey what are doing!? Jumper 1: we are doing invisible high jump. Voiceover: but I moved it yesterday and replaced it with a shark tank. Flashback- jumper 1: ooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww something bit me!!!!!!
Flashback: voiceover drags something away and pushes something back.
Arguing person: Who is voiceover? Author: he is mason. Arguing person: But isn't he jumper 1? Author: He is but he's two characters.
Sunday, 8 November 2015
Fear writing
I'm 50 floors up, directly below me is the street.
I feel like the glass is going to break! My heart is beating really fast. I hear the wind whistling. I see a skydiver jump off the top of the building with a rope. They scream as the ground met them… in mid air. The cars look like headless ants crawling around.
I look at my cousins and they show no traces of fear. I thought why are they not scared? I see a clock on the wall. It says 05, 04, 03, 02, 01, WHOOSH goes a skydiver. It. Must be a skydive countdown, I think. Thankfully it's not connected to a giant battery of TNT. Even the floor of the lift is glass.
I see humans that look like sand and buildings that look like toy buildings. I hear the wind playing with the windows and metal. I step on the glass. A panel next to the glass says this glass is 60cm thick and is as strong as concrete, how is that supposed to reassure you I think. Whoosh okay that does not help. (AGAIN)
The floor seems to be dropping on a diagonal slope. I feel like the sky tower is swaying meter by meter. I'm speechless like a fish out of water. I freeze literally, frozen.
Everything goes wonky, really wonky. A problem is the walls seem really thin. Whoosh, okay I'm going to the other side. No your not snaps grandma. My cousin Charlie drags me onto the glass…
… this time I don't clamber back up I face my fear and hit it smack on the forehead. I'm soon interested in how people are mostly coming from a southwest direction. Even more strangely the cars are coming mostly from a northeast direction, I wonder where they are going.
On to the next floor I say in my head… We gather in the lift to find out it just left! And were going to have to wait another terrifying 5 minutes.
Wednesday, 23 September 2015
Wednesday, 16 September 2015
Zero waste
Tereo maori
Eportfolio W.A. 1
Monday, 14 September 2015
Eportfolio maths
Sunday, 9 August 2015
Sunday, 2 August 2015
Sunday, 28 June 2015
Term 2 learner disposition
Thursday, 25 June 2015
Flood writing
Monday, 22 June 2015
Maths stage 6
Sunday, 14 June 2015
Thursday, 11 June 2015
Wednesday, 10 June 2015
Math sample term 2
What do you enjoy in maths and why?
I am very good at maths but sometimes i get one wrong because
I have'nt read them right
What challenges you the most and why?
Divison because i don't
Practice it because its not in the mathex i do at home
What do you need to get better at in maths and why?
Divison because i don't Practice it because its not in the mathex
i do at home
How can adults help you with this goal?
My dad can try and find one with division.
“Matariki Sample”
Purpose: To share our learning about Matariki; what is it? And how we can celebrate Matariki in our own way?
WALA: Matariki
Retell the story of Matariki like a play
Write a story about Matariki
Make a model about Matariki
Create a piece of art about Matariki
Learn and sing songs.
Create a movie about Matariki to share (it could be a legend or about Matariki)
Create a facts Kahoot about Matariki
Create a TV commercial advertising Matariki
Create a debate about this statement: “Matariki Day should be a National Holiday”
Choose one of the above activities
Ask yourself: Will it suit my buddy? Is it appropriate for the amount of people in my group?
Research some facts about Matariki: What, When, Where, Why, How, Who?
What resources do you need?
Prepare the things you need for Friday morning for buddy time
On Friday you will have from 9:30 - 11am to complete it with your buddy
The following week you will have more time to edit / practise / put on the final touches
Be prepared to share with the whole-school on Thursday Matariki Day
Phoebe, Freya, Ruby & Kalia (Rm 3) | Annaliese, Noah, Mason & Troy (Rm 4) | Toby, Lenni, Ryder, Jack (Breakout rm 4/5) | Hannah,Abby, Manaia, Addisyn (Rm 6) |
Samantha, Halle, Aroha, Layla (Rm 6) | Azahra, Cohen, Luca, Mac | Emily, Renae, Emma, Max, Samuel (Rm6) | Emily S, Charlotte, Liwan, Porsha (Rm4) |
Angus, Mason, Kairo, Benji, James (Rm 3) | Richard, Shrawan, Max, Shaun, Jackson (Staffroom) | Bella, Jayde, Miracle, .. (Rm4). | Billy, Gordon, Jayden (Rm 3 office) |
Kate, Tahu, Braydon (Sick bay) |
What do you enjoy the most and why? When I appear suddenly.
What challenged you the most and why? What I did once I appear.
What do you need to get better at and why? Not jumping once I appear.
How can adults help you with this goal? Don't know because this does not involve an adult.
Monday, 1 June 2015
Tuesday, 26 May 2015
What is your writing goal? My goal is making a good story
Put a target on your goal for this term: 💣
Generating Ideas
| Organising Ideas
| 💣Sentences
Copy and paste your favourite sentence here: Why is it your favourite sentence? The hypnotised the rescue crew and some hypnotised skeletons I recognise as the drowned people from my waka march forward chanting destroy him, DESTROY HIM. This is my favourite sentence because it mentions hypnotise and I really like the word hypnotise.
What challenged you the most and why? This story challenged me the most because my first story made no sense.
What do you need to get better at in your writing and why? Sentences because they usaly make no sense.
How can adults help you with this goal? Adults can read my story and tell me if it does not make sense.
Thursday, 21 May 2015
“6smallbubbles’ Assembly”
Purpose: To reflect on our assembly organisation and evaluate your contribution and participation.
WALT: Entertain and Inform (Assembly)
Choose a learning area you would like to share
Prepare a script to inform your audience with details about “what we have been learning”
Prepare an item to showcase our learning
Create a slide that compliments your script and performance.
What was your highlight and why? Reading out my writing because I didn't get so scared I gave up.
What challenged you the most and why? Not getting too scared because I usually get stage fright.
Which value or Key Competency did you find the easiest? Why?
participating because we all had jobs and I wasn't in the music group.
Which value or Key Competency you did find the hardest? Managing self because people were writing on my post and I was over reacting.
Sunday, 10 May 2015
Thursday, 7 May 2015
Wednesday, 6 May 2015
Wednesday, 1 April 2015
Learner disposition reflection
Wednesday, 25 March 2015
3d room
Tuesday, 24 March 2015
Chocolate lie
Sunday, 22 March 2015
Oral storytelling
Thursday, 12 March 2015
Thursday, 5 March 2015
Wednesday, 4 March 2015
Purpose: To describe an interesting character so we can tell a story about them at the Marae stay.
WALT: Entertain (character description)
Think of a character you could write about.
Draw them.
Introduce your character in an entertaining way.
Describe their looks.
Describe their personality.
I think/feel statement (Conclusion / Summary)
Criteria: I can
Self Assessment
Descriptive vocabulary (words that help to SHOW the reader)
use a range of verbs
Language features (phrases that help paint a picture)
select one or two similes
use onomatopoeia to show sounds
select words that start with the same sound (alliteration)
My writing is 2-3 paragraphs (100 - 200 words)
Learning Partner Comment
Feedback: I love the way you did all the things corectly
Feedforward: Next time make sure you do the spaces a littel bit bigger
Overall, how well do you think your learning partner has done?