Monday, 22 August 2016

book buddies

Description: in book buddies is a reading group with Suzanne and we have been reading a story called the name at the end of the ladder. Here is my Bookapedia book buddies slide:

Evaluation: I find book buddies fun as we are researching the history of snakes and ladders.


Mathex is a competition where you use your maths knowledge to answer questions to score points. You have a set time to answer. Here are some of the questions get 3/3 and you will be 1/200 of the way to coming 2nd in mathex:

The things we needed were: Teamwork, communicating our ideas, valuing ideas, building on others ideas and thinking creatively. I improved on magic squares at the start they were my worst enemies and at the end I dominated them. Evaluation: My next step will be to have my team come 1st for that we'll have to master all the types of maths. 

Thursday, 11 August 2016


Excellence is helping people, being a good friend and being helpful. I find excellence pretty easy to show. This slide is about excellence:

Feedback/Feedforward: I like the way that you showed me what would you do when somebody is hurt in the playground. Next time you cloud probably have a breaf description and make your description long. Shaiv 😎

Evaluation: I found this slide hard as I didn't have as much time as everyone else. 
What I found easy was getting examples of Excellence. 