Thursday, 10 December 2015
Minecraft school
Sunday, 6 December 2015
Earthquake arcade
Maths strategy
Game writing
Start: introduction to characters
Problem: jamesrea2 driving dirty
Problem end: jamesrea2 rolling the zonda for the 300th time
Hi my name is jamesrea1 and right at the moment I'm racing my twin brother jamesrea2 who's in a pagani zonda R while I'm in the slowest car in gran turismo 5. Oof why did he crash into me with that manic zonda!!? Ok he rolled over I'm safe for 3 seconds if he goes at my speed! But he's at 200 kilometres an hour! Zooooommmm , crash. good he won't catch me because the next corner is downhill on 15 degree slope and really sharp! Smack! Oof he drifted into me zoooom , Now he's on the power strait no offence jamesrea2 but you are terrible at driving. Next thing that i know is I am on the power straight and then I see jamesrea2 who has rolled the zonda up ahead. As soon as I get past the zonda it restarts and then it goes behind me and pulls into the pits . I slowly creep past the pits at 15km an hour. As soon as I pass the pit’s exit the zonda pulls out of the exit of the pits suddenly the zonda spins out of control and into a burnout sending my teeny car flying ahead. I manage to zoom past the corner but lose all the speed that the zonda gave me on the second corner.
Unluckily I'm onto the power straight, well the first one. The zonda manages to just get past me before drifting into the wall. I get up the hill and start coming down the hill and turn the corner. SSSLLLLLAAAAAMMMMMM I'm sent flying again and it takes the toll on the car and the chasis break.